Book Review: Cobalt Blue

We often forget how important characters are to the story! I have read a number of stories that make you fall in love with their characters, but Cobalt Blue is a step ahead. You know what you are getting into, from the solemn cover of the book. You know what you will go through when you see the two parts of the book and each part highlighted with the name of each sibling. And yet when you start reading it, it keeps on surprising you with every paragraph.

Cobalt Blue is not just a different style of writing, it is innovative and fresh. The book written by Sachin Kundalkar in Marathi and translated by Jerry Pinto feels like two books compiled in one. The two parts of the book take you through a narrative of the same story by the two siblings in their own writing style as imagined by the author. This simple fact makes you more connected to the book. You do not just fall in love with the character but also in the way they would have written their stories.
Cobalt Blue is one of those where you feel like you will start feeling hatred for a character and yet you realize later you are fine with it. For the two main characters Tanay and Anuja the narrative is right there, you know about them as you read through their lives from their point of view. But for the third primary character, you have to pick up clues from their narratives and make up your mind behind how he saw life.

Cobalt Blue is just beautiful and worth a read. It's unlike anything I have read till now! I recommend this book for you to start your 2021.

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